From the beginning, our mission has been to enrich the lives of American farmers by helping them manage risk.
Soon after Congress authorized Federal crop insurance in the 1930’s, the first iteration of our company was born. What began generations ago in one Indiana county, has grown into that nation’s leading private crop insurance agency.
Grover Sims was one of the first people to bring crop insurance, specifically hail insurance, to farmers. Sims’ son, Dick Silveus, carried on the business, as did his son Steve Silveus. Today, a fourth generation of Silveus’ are at the helm.
From the beginning, our mission has been to enrich the lives of American farmers by helping them manage risk. Today we continue to fulfill that goal by developing private products, creating risk management technology, and delivering the highest level of customer service.
A crop insurance decision is one of the most important decisions our clients make each year. Silveus takes pride in partnering with clients and guiding them through this annual decision process. Our company mantra is, “Our success depends on our customer’s success.”